The 3 best heroes to counter Lunox in Mobile Legends

Lunox, the powerful Twilight Goddess in Mobile Legends, can be a formidable opponent to face in the lane or team fights. In this article, professional content writer Michael Thompson explores the existence of thrilling hero counters to put Lunox on edge. Discover Valentina, Natalia, and Lolita as the worthy adversaries, their skills, counter strategies, and recommended item builds that can turn Lunox's dream world into a nightmare. Let's delve into the intricacies of these fierce battles and gain the upper hand.

Valentina: Goddess of Poke Damage

The mage that beats Lunox at poke damage and mobility. Learn how to counter Lunox with Valentina's skills, strategies, and item builds.

Valentina is a formidable pick as a midlane mage with her ability to control the lane through superior poke damage and enhanced mobility. However, she surpasses Lunox in these aspects, giving her the advantage as a counter.

Valentina's Shadow Strike and Arcane Shade can dismantle the Twilight Goddess in the lane, applying continuous pokes and disrupting her rhythm.

During team fights, Valentina's ultimate, I Am You, allows her to mirror Lunox's ultimate abilities, maximizing her impact in the battlefield. To effectively counter Lunox, playing aggressively early on and denying her item progression, while utilizing Valentina's strengths, is crucial.

Natalia: The Imminent Threat

How the deadly assassin Natalia can swiftly eliminate Lunox. Plan your ambush, master Natalia's skills, and choose item builds efficiently to take down the Twilight Goddess.

Looking to nullify Lunox's presence on the battlefield? Look no further, as Natalia's incredible mobility and burst damage make her the perfect assassin hero for the job.

With precise execution of her Claw Dash, Smoke Bomb, and Assassin Instinct passive, Natalia can swiftly eliminate the squishy mage with her unmatched speed and lethal techniques.

Ambush Lunox when she least expects it, silence her with basic attacks to prevent her skills from being cast, and burst her down before she can react. Prioritize key items, such as Blade of the Heptaseas, Berserker's Fury, and Malefic Roar, to maximize Natalia's damage output.

Lolita: The Nightmare Roamer

Engage in an ultimate odyssey to haunt Lunox's every move through Lolita's powerful shield and stunning abilities. Pick the right equipment and execute gameplay strategies to frustrate the Twilight Goddess.

If you are looking to make Lunox's life a nightmare, Lolita is the hero to achieve that.

Her ability to block and return projectiles with Guardian's Reflection puts a wrench in Lunox's plans to unleash her damage. Power Charge further adds to Lunox's woes, stunning and damaging her. When facing Lunox as Lolita, building durability and prioritizing items like Athena's Shield, Radiant Armor, and Oracle to increase magic resistance is essential.

Exploit bush control to sneak up on Lunox, immobilize her with Power Charge, and shield her damage output with Guardian's Reflection. Capitalize on any opportunity to turn the tide of battle in your favor.


In conclusion, Lunox may be a formidable force on the battlefield, but she is not untouchable. Heroes like Valentina, Natalia, and Lolita have proven to be effective counters in Mobile Legends. By understanding their skills, strategies, and item builds, players can tilt the scales in their favor and push Lunox into a nightmare.

Whether it's Valentina's potent poke damage, Natalia's swift assassination techniques, or Lolita's resilient shield, these heroes offer unique ways to neutralize Lunox's strength and lead your team to victory.

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