Naughty Dog Joins List of Gaming Studios Facing Layoffs

In a year filled with highly anticipated AAA and indie game releases, job insecurity continues to plague the gaming industry. Naughty Dog, known for their acclaimed story-driven games, has recently laid off 25 developers, predominantly in the quality assurance testing department. This unfortunate news adds to the growing list of gaming studios, including Epic Games and Riot Games, that have had to make significant workforce cuts. Sadly, these recent layoffs come without offering severance packages to the affected employees.

The Impact on Naughty Dog and the Gaming Industry

Exploring the repercussions of Naughty Dog's layoffs and the larger trend in the gaming industry.

Naughty Dog, once hailed as one of the top gaming studios, has sadly joined the list of companies announcing layoffs in 2023. With a reputation for producing exceptional story-driven games like The Last of Us series and Uncharted, this news has sent shockwaves through the gaming industry.

The trend of studios downsizing and parting ways with their dedicated talent has become all too common in recent months. Likewise, this reflects the harsh reality that even a successful gaming studio is not immune to the challenges of maintaining business stability and job security in a highly competitive market.

Such layoffs transcend beyond affecting individuals and touch on the overall vibe and morale in the industry, leaving employees in a state of unease and uncertainty. While great online discourse and diverse opinions abound, it is evident that layoffs across the board have become undesirable disruptions in the world of gaming.

Layoff Details and the Effect on Employees

Examining the specific impact of the layoffs at Naughty Dog and shedding light on the situation faced by the affected developers.

Out of its existing workforce of about 400 employees, Naughty Dog has reportedly decided to part ways with 25 developers. The majority of these affected individuals are believed to have been working in quality assurance testing.

While their roles are being maintained until the end of October, the lack of severance being offered to these employees adds further dismay and uncertainly to their futures. In an already competitive industry, the sudden loss of jobs without prior notice or compensation only deepens the sense of job insecurity and instability.

Considering the significant investment of time, energy, and passion individuals pour into their craft, these layoffs directly impact their livelihood and plans for the future.

Internal Restructuring and Canceled Projects

Exploring the internal happenings at Naughty Dog, including the cancellation of a multiplayer spin-off based on The Last of Us.

The layoffs at Naughty Dog come amidst noticeable changes within the company. Evan Wells, who has been associated with the studio for over 25 years, is set to retire by the end of the year. This introduction of new management has prompted shifts in the company's structure.

An anticipated multiplayer spin-off game based on The Last of Us, which was in development, has been temporarily shelved. Despite this setback, a smaller team is continuing work on the game, while Naughty Dog sets its sights on creating a new IP, bolstering excitement for future projects.

Although adjustments and cancellation of projects are common occurrences within the gaming industry, it remains crucial to consider their effects on both the employees directly involved and the overall perception of the gaming community.

A Wider Trend in the Gaming Industry

Examining the unfortunate increases in job cuts within the gaming industry and the need to address the issues of job security and fair compensation.

Naughty Dog's layoffs join a worrying trend that has affected numerous prestigious gaming studios in recent times. Notable companies such as Epic Games, Riot Games, Team17, and even industry giants like Electronic Arts have encountered the need to downsize and part ways with substantial numbers of employees.

These waves of layoffs overshadow an otherwise exceptional year for gaming, highlighted by highly successful releases. The effect on employees is disparate — empty desks, fear of further layoffs, and genuine anxieties around job stability - make it undeniable that more significant oversight and negotiations surrounding job security in the gaming industry are much needed.

Organizations such as SAG-AFTRA advocate for job security and fair compensation, advocating for gaming corporations to value their employees adequately and commit to supporting them as vital contributors to the industry.

Moving Forward: The Urgent Need for Change

Driving home the importance of acknowledging the current patterns, addressing lax employment practices, and fostering a more secure and rewarding environment within the gaming industry.

The layoffs at Naughty Dog serve as a powerful reminder that the gaming industry cannot afford to evoke ruthless practices in how developers are treated and undervalued. Consistently downsizing and forfeiting the financial and emotional well-being of valuable talent ultimately hampers not only developers but the entire gaming community as well. Together, the creators, consumers, and studio custodians contribute to an ecosystem that thrives on passion and innovation.

The key lies within fostering a culture that prioritizes sustaining jobs and providing fair compensation. Additionally, organizations need to embrace a business model built on consistency and reliable career paths that encourage long-term employment rather than perpetuating insecurity and instability.

Together, steps can be taken towards a gaming industry that recognizes the irreplaceable worth of its professionals, embodiments of dreams and aspirations, and rich tapestries of imagination. By valuing and nurturing developers, we can ensure that the abundance of talent honed within beloved studios can align with an industry model that champions creativity and artisans within our virtual realms.


The recent layoffs at Naughty Dog, along with the notable downsizing trend within the gaming industry, underscores the need for renewed focus on job security and fair compensation. Talented developers, who are the heart and soul of the gaming community, deserve to be valued and provided with stable career paths.

By acknowledging and addressing employment practices, fostering an environment that prioritizes the well-being of developers, and working towards a sustainable and rewarding industry, we can create a gaming landscape that thrives on creativity, passion, and innovation.

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